Distemper Diagnosed in Starkville Area Raccoons

(WCBI-TV) Starkville, MISS. – A highly contagious virus known as distemper has been found in wild animals in Starkville.

spd-badgeStarkville Animal Control reports they have picked up six diseased raccoons inside the Starkville city limits within the last month and a half.

MSU’s Veterinary School confirms three of the animals have distemper, with the others showing symptoms.

There are no reports of domestic dogs with the virus, but veterinarians say pets need to have their vaccinations up to date.

Animal Control reports the cases have appeared in different parts of the city limits.

In the later stages of the disease, the wildlife can appear to be tame one minute and aggressive the next.

The Starkville Police Department is encouraging residents to be observant and contact animal control if you believe you have spotted an animal with symptoms.

Animal experts say that distemper is spread by direct contact with an infected animal, or indirect contact, sharing bedding and water bowls.
Early signs to watch for – thick mucus coming from the eyes or nose, fever, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea.
In the later stages, experts say they are seeing altered neurological behavior such as staggering.
If you see any animals that may be exhibiting these signs, contact Starkville Animal Control at 662-769-2728 or the Starkville Police Department at 662-323-4131.


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