Daylight saving time calls for checking smoke detectors
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 9, and with the time change, it’s always a good time of the year to test smoke alarms in your home.
According to the Mississippi Insurance Department, there have been 22 fire deaths in Mississippi this year.
In at least 15 of those cases, there were no working smoke alarms.
Columbus Fire and Rescue Chief Duane Hughes said when it comes to home safety, smoke alarms are the first line of defense for every homeowner.
He said the alarms should be placed correctly outside of every sleeping area about 4-6 inches from the ceiling to pick up smoke rapidly.
“Generally, we tell our stakeholders in the community there are two times of the year that they should be concerned with their smoke alarms. Generally, we ask you to check them every month, but failing that, just keep this in mind. In the spring and in the fall, whenever we do our daylight savings time with our clock changes. That’s a good time to go ahead and incorporate checking your smoke alarm. There’s a button on each device. Simply by pushing and holding it down, it should give you a very loud, audible alarm. If the smoke alarm doesn’t give that alarm, more than likely it needs a battery change. Or the smoke alarm itself might be defective,” said Hughes.
If you hear a chirp from your smoke alarm, that means the battery needs to be replaced. Hughes said you can call the fire department and they can inspect it for you.
Hughes said if you live in the city limits and need a smoke alarm, call them and they can put one in for free.
If you don’t live in the city limits, call the nearest department in your jurisdiction.