CPD steps up safety patrols for Fourth of July

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The Fourth of July weekend is one of the busiest weekends of the year for law enforcement. Fireworks echo like gunshots so the two sounds can be difficult to distinguish. And then there are some people who fire off more than just firecrackers.

“We’re asking and I’m pleading and I’m begging individuals to please do not shoot in the air for Fourth of July.”

Columbus Police Chief Joseph Daughtry says his department is prepared to handle cases ranging from children popping firecrackers to people actually firing their weapons in the city limits.

“Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve are two holidays throughout the year where people feel that it’s okay to shoot in the air. What happens, when you shoot in the air, the bullet that goes up, it has to come down somewhere…Anyone found shooting in the city will have a still fine and I’m gonna recommend jail time.”

Daughtry says it’s gonna be a busy weekend for his entire force.

“We just need the public to understand that, we’re gonna be running from call to call. Some people can’t determine whether it’s a gun shot or firecracker, so a lot of times, we’re gonna be rolling. I just need you to be patient with us. We’re coming but we’re gonna be going from one side of the city to the other.”

The chief says when in doubt, call anyway. It could save someone’s life.

“If you’re not sure, if you think it’s gunfire, then go ahead and call. But if you look out your window and you see children popping fireworks…which is against the city ordinance inside the city limits… our focus is gonna be trying to stop the fireworks from being fired, but also our main focus is going to be those that are shooting.

If you contact CPD this weekend, make sure you state whether you’re calling for gunshots or fireworks if you can tell the difference. Chief Daughtry says they will respond to both.

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