Cotton Gin begins cotton picking process in Noxubee Co.


NOXUBEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The current dry weather is coming at just the right time for area cotton farmers.

Conditions are good for picking, and area gins are running around the clock to process this year’s crop.

The Bogue Chitto Gin in Noxubee County has already run about 30,000 bales, and operators anticipate handling 100 thousand bales by the end of the season.

That is down about 15 to 20 thousand from early season projections.

Area farmers aren’t exactly sitting in high cotton this year. For October 15, the crop is bringing about $.67 per pound which translates to around $335 per bale, and about $800 an acre.

Noxubee County farmer Jack Huerkamp said at that price most farmers are looking at breaking even, but having the gin close by helps to keep some production costs down.

“The cotton gin in this county has been a huge change for the county, because it’s allowed us to raise the acres that we want to raise and know that we can get it ginned in good time and have great quality coming out of the gin. So, the gin’s been a big help to the county, a big boost”, said Noxubee County farmer, Jack Huerkamp.

Huerkamp said the increased use of synthetic textiles and over production on the international market are a couple of factors keeping crop prices down this year.

But, the farming business runs in cycles, so he’s optimistic about the future.

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