Construction is in full swing on the Partnership School in Starkville

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – The dream is becoming a reality.

Construction has been in full swing on the Starkville Oktibbeha School District and Mississippi State University Partnership School.

“I’m excited. I’m ready for it to be complete. I’m ready to see the whole picture put together, but I’m very excited. It’s been a long time coming, but it’s going to be well worth the wait,” said Debra Prince.

On Friday school, board members had the chance to tour the building to see how things are coming along.

Armstrong Middle School Principal Julie Kennedy said she is thankful to be included in the process.

“I’ve been included in many parts of the planning phase, from talking to teachers early on and letting them have some say-so in the things that were needed in our school, to meeting with the architects and our superintendent and board, on the things that we want to make sure that the students have opportunity to have everything they need,” said Julie Kennedy.

It may be a lot of concrete and steel beams right now, but superintendent Eddie Peasant said it won’t be long until it looks like a school.

“Pretty soon we will get to see walls actually being covered and then painted, of course., Furnishing the building, but even before that, just completing the campus the outdoor space. We are excited about we’ll have a playing field and other learning areas for students outside of the building,” said Peasant.

When it’s completed, the school will have 60 classrooms and house around 850 sixth and seventh graders.

It will also give aspiring teachers a place to further their education.

“It’s being able to educate future teachers in this building and having them have access to our students and teachers to learn to go into one of the greatest professions in the world,” said Peasant.

Peasant said construction is expected to wrap up in January and hopes to have the school up and running in time for the start of the 2020 school year.

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