Community helps clean up after intense storm in Columbus

One can't always count on the weather, but Columbus is proving - come rain or shine - one can count on their community.

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – One can’t always count on the weather, but Columbus is proving – come rain or shine – one can count on their community.

Intense storms brought damage to several homes, but when it was safe to come out, people showed up to help their neighbors.

Dalen, a volunteer, said he has made it a mission to help others and this was a perfect way to give back.

“Some people don’t have help, some people are just lonely,” Dalen said.

Michael Talley says when he saw how much damage had been done, he knew people would need help. He says volunteering at times like this helps the community see brighter days.

“It shows people in need that people are there when sometimes, maybe they think, you know, ‘nobody is here for me, I’m all by myself.’It helps people have a better attitude and see the positive side of things,” Talley said.

A tree came down on part of Ashley Jones’ home.

“It was loud, trees started coming up out of the ground and everything. it was pretty bad,” Jones said.

Even though her home was affected, she went out to help her neighborhood.

“We were just picking up tree branches out of the street and making sure everyone was okay,” Jones said. “It felt like we had community support.”

Judon Phillips says when he saw what the storm had done to his home, he was in shock.

“You always see it on TV but you never imagine that it would happen to you,” Phillips said. “That meant a great deal to me that there are people out there who will help you with no strings attached. It’s a blessing overall.”

Columbus Light and Water has been working around the clock since last night to restore power to homes and businesses.

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