Columbus prepares to fix drainage issues around Bell Avenue area

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Columbus city leaders prepare to open the tap to get ARPA money flowing for drainage improvements around town.
The City Council approved going forward with Waggoner Engineering’s project selection.
The city contracted with Waggoner to do a comprehensive study of drainage, flooding, and watershed issues around Columbus.
The price tag far exceeded the $6 million the city had from federal ARPA funds and state matching grants.
So, they had Waggoner prioritize areas most in need of work.
Waggoner came back with a list of 10 projects.
Another area, the area around College and 15th streets down to Bell Avenue was added.
Columbus Chief Financial Officer Jim Brigham said it’s a good start to fixing a long-neglected problem.
“I’ve looked at a study that was done that says it’s about – it takes about $40-$50 million in total to fix everything. So, we are happy that we have $6 million to start, you know. And we’re asking for more from the federal government and from the state because we won’t be happy until all of it’s fixed, but it’s a good start,” said Brigham.
The clock is ticking on these projects.
Due to conditions placed on ARPA funds, the contracts must be completed by the end of this year, and work must be completed by the end of 2026.