Columbus High School football team gives back to the community

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The past year has taught us a lot about selflessness and giving back, and teenagers are no exception. In fact, the Columbus High School football team has been planning different ways to give back to the community for more than a year now.

On Friday, the team, along with head coach Joshua Pulphus, made stops at Trinity Nursing Center, the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department, and the Columbus Police Department.

They delivered things like doughnuts and autographed football helmets.

Coach Pulphus said he wants the young men on the team to realize that they too can set a positive example for the community.

“The people who have been helping in the community while everything is going on, we just decided to let them know that, there’s somebody out here that’s thankful. You know what I’m saying. There’s somebody out here that’s thankful with what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. We’re some of those people who are thankful,” said Quisey Lavender, Columbus High School junior.

“They’re still leaders. Understand that they are leaders right now in high school as well. Just how they look up to someone else, a kid or even sometimes a family members also looks up to them because of the hard work that they put in. For them to realize the hard work they do put in, is not in vain because once again, somebody is looking up to them and if you continue the hard work and persevere good things will happen,” said Pulphus.

Pulphus also said this is just the beginning of what the team is planning to do for the community.

Categories: Local News

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