Columbus Fire teaches community about safety practices

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – The Columbus Fire & Rescue Team showed their everyday job experience at the Hitching Lot Farmers’ Market.

This was an exciting demonstration of how they remove people from a vehicle.

The emergency was called the extrication evolution training.

Battalion Chief, Chip Kain said practices like this are a necessity for not just the community but the Rescue team.

“It shows the need, it shows the job that’s required to do and the importance that it does cause I mean if you wreck your car today, I’ve got an hour to get you to an OR,” Kain said. “That’s not just me getting you out that car that’s me getting you out that car into the ambulance onto a helicopter, whatever it takes wherever your location is to get you on that surgeon’s table so he can do his job to possibly save your life.”

Columbus Fire & Rescue said they want to thank Champion’s Towing Recovery for letting them use the car as a prop.

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