Columbus city leaders to recalculate firefighter, police pay scale

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – It is a challenging job serving the community as a first responder.

And now in Columbus, the pay scale for firefighters with Columbus Fire and Rescue and police officers with the Columbus Police Department will be recalculated.

That means more money in the pockets of officers and firefighters. Fire Chief Duane Hughes said this came at a great time.

In addition to figuring into his upcoming budget, Hughes said this pay scale will help them bring in the best candidates for the department. He also wanted to keep the team that is already in place.

“This was a way to go, and that would actually increase salaries for police and firefighters still remain within the budgets that have been approved for the departments. This will really help us as far as retention of those firefighters and police officers that we have. And it will help us with recruitment, possibly making us competitive with department salaries in the area,” said Hughes.

Hughes said the department is losing experience and skills with recent retirements.

He is hoping to train new recruits to fill those big shoes as soon as possible.

Columbus City Council members voted to change the scale at Tuesday’s meeting.

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