City of Starkville looks to pass one percent tax to help with parks and rec
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – The city of Starkville is looking to improve its parks and recreation systems and they’re hoping money from a one percent tax will help them do just that.
On Tuesday, the Board of Aldermen met during a special called meeting to discuss implementing the hotel and restaurant tax and how the money will be used.
Mayor Lynn Spruill said she anticipates the city would bring in an additional one million plus dollars if the tax is implemented.
During the special called meeting, city leaders said money from the tax will be used for the development of Cornerstone Tournament and Recreation Park, along with making improvements to existing parks in the city.
House Bill 1565 was passed by both the House and the Senate.
Right now the bill is still waiting to be signed by the governor.
Once signed, city leaders are expected to vote on the resolution at its next board meeting.
“This is intending to build this new park, so you’re talking about a 21, 22, yet to be determined million dollar park and so this is going to go to support the bonding indebtedness to this park,” said Mayor Lynn Spruill.
“Parks are so so important to the community’s quality of life,” said Gerry Logan, Executive Director of Starkville Parks and Recreation. “People talk about it. When people look to move into communities, qualities of parks is one thing they look at right up there with education and other things, so we are really excited about all of these various improvements.”
If the governor signs the bill and the board passes the resolution, a referendum must then take place allowing residents to vote on whether they want the tax implemented.
Mayor Spruill said they’re hoping to have residents vote on the issue in June.
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