Citizens help clean up the city of Columbus

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Keep Columbus Beautiful organized a citywide clean-up event for the Friendly City.

“Pick It Up! Possum Town” supports the organization by lending and sharing its five-gallon buckets, mechanical trash picker-uppers, gloves, safety vests, and trash bags.

Keep Columbus Beautiful expected over 100 volunteers to pick up over 150 pieces of litter in their respective wards.

Doug Kilarski is co-chairperson of the Pick it Up Possum Town Committee.

He says the amount of litter in Columbus is too much to clean in one day.

“There’s too much trash to pick up for the amount of people that volunteer,” Kilarski said. “We like to think that every day is a trash pick-up day and if you do it at home or in front of your house, that it’ll be a lot less to pick up for events like this or a need for events like this. The other thing is, that trash is diminishing here in Columbus as of when we first started in 2021. We’re seeing less trash but we’re still seeing trash so that’s the problem.”

We’ll have the results of how much litter was collected and how many volunteers participated in the clean up, within the upcoming weeks.

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