Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office looks to hire new K9

CHICKASAW COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office is looking to bring on a new officer, but this hire isn’t going through the normal channels.

Image0 18The department’s K9, Gunner, was injured on the job and being forced into retirement.

Sheriff James Myers would like to fill that position, but the $15,000 needed to purchase, train, and equip a new K9 is not in the budget.

So, Meyers is reaching out to the Chickasaw County community for help to defray the costs.

Meyers is looking to bring in a dual-purpose dog; one that could be used for apprehension, drug interdiction, and tracking.

The K9s are also popular ambassadors for the Sheriff’s Office at public events.

Meyers said that while $15,000 sounds like a lot, these highly trained animals are really an investment in public safety.

“That dog more than pays for himself very quickly. Officer Gladney and the K9 we have now, Gunnar, they’ve made several drug arrests. We’ve found several folks that have broken in places and run. We found a lot of contraband here at the jail. You know, somebody gets pulled over, and they throw out a gun. This dog is very, very valuable in stuff like that,” said Meyers.

If you would like to donate to the Sheriff’s Office K9 fund or have any questions about the process, you can call the Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office.

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