Calhoun County Dotted With Flash Flooding

CALHOUN COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Thursday morning’s storms brought flash flooding to Northeast Mississippi, and for counties with few major roads like Calhoun County, travel can be difficult.

Law enforcement is advising that if faced with a situation of a flooded road, the best choice is to turn back.

Water rushesd under Highway 9 in North Calhoun County, and nearby fields resembled something more along the line of lakes.

“At that point, where the water if going over the road, it was like this right here. It was just flowing,” said Sheriff Greg Pollan.

Scenes of flooding dotted the county, but the coming forecast meant more than just dots.

“If the rain continues, you know, that could become an issue pretty quickly. There’s a potential there for it to get much deeper than that,” continued Pollan.

Calhoun County only has a few roads coming in and out of its borders, and during flooding Sheriff Greg Pollan and law enforcement make sure everyone is on the safest route.

“You know, we would have to go in and help barricade areas, work with the supervisors, make sure that there’s the proper signage up and help enforce that,” said Pollan.

But should they miss a spot, should you find yourself looking at a water covered area, Pollan said the best choice is to turn back.

“If water is coming across the road, whether you think it’s 6 inches deep, it doesn’t matter,” Pollan emphasized. “Don’t go through the water. You never know how deep it is or how fast the current is, so if you come up to the road and there’s water on it turn around and find an alternate route.”

For Calhoun County, if you would like more information on how to steer clear of floodzones, EMA Director, Randy Skinner is available at (662)-983-0257 or visit EMA website

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