Calhoun, Clay Face Tax Hikes
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CALHOUN/CLAY COUNTY (WCBI) – The effects of the real estate market crash four years ago still are rippling through the region’s economy. And some taxpayers are feeling the pinch.
Calhoun and Clay counties are the latest to face likely tax increases.
In Clay County, the state-mandated reappraisal found property values have declined from four years ago. That means a mill on the property tax produces less money to pay for county services. County supervisors are considering tax increases ranging just over 4 mills to as much as 6 mills, depending on the district, to fund the new budget that takes effect Oct. 1. Much of the increase is related to debt payments for road-related work in each of the county’s five supervisors’ districts.
In Calhoun County, supervisors likely will approve a 2.35-mill increase for schools, debt service and county operations. About a mill will go to schools, which set their own budget, and much of the remainder to help pay the debt on the county’s new $5 million courthouse.
Supervisors were facing an even bigger increase but cut other budgets to reduce the impact on property owners.
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