Caledonia High School students meet employers during career fair

CALEDONIA, Miss. (WCBI) – Choosing a career path can be nerve-racking but learning about a variety of jobs can help.

Caledonia High students heard from a number of employers Friday during its annual career fair.

More than 20 businesses, industry and schools were there to show the students the opportunities available to them after high school.

Colleges were also there.

The teens saw it as a chance to help their future.

“We can come and see what kind of programs these schools have and offer and you can decide maybe, if I want to go to this place and learn more information about it and learn what they can major in and what kind of programs they can go into,” said eleventh grader Claire Benson.

“It’s just a critical time in our lives, as upper class-men, and it just gives a wider view of all the careers that are here locally,” said eleventh grade Rachel Harris.

The school hosts the career and college fair every year for students.


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