Booster shots may help protect high risk patients from COVID-19 variants
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – The state’s top health official says the Delta variant has become the dominant COVID-19 strain in Mississippi.
With the increasing case numbers mean, some are questioning if booster shots will be useful.
“Because the percentage is so small right now, I, at this point, I don’t recommend it,” Pharmacist Kin Seto said.
According to the Mississippi Department of Health, more than 900,000 people are fully vaccinated in the state. These vaccinations have been helpful against the virus so far. But health professionals said the pandemic is far from over, some suggesting booster shots may be needed.
Kin Seto, a pharmacist at Dutch Family Pharmacy, said the CDC has to approve the boosters.
“Now, of course, the Moderna do cover the delta variant to a certain extent. So that’s part of the coverage. But until the CDC makes an official announcement where they recommend a third shot, we won’t provide it,” Seto said.
State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs says the delta variant of the virus, is the most aggressive and common variant among COVID patients. He said those who have weakened immune systems are more at risk. Seto said that any protection can help.
“Usually, if you have an outbreak, it’s going to be usually in the early winter. Your system, your immune system get down and of course your more vulnerable to any kind of infection and that’s where it’s going to make the difference right there,” Seto said. “Whether you’re vaccinated and protected or not.”
Although booster shots for the coronavirus haven’t been approved by the CDC, Seto said case numbers may change that.
“Right now, depending on the new cases that come up and how many of the new cases where the deviant are, that’s going to dictate whether we get a booster or not,” Seto said.
Seto said if the CDC approves a booster, patients should talk to their doctors about what’s best for them.
“A lot of it’s going to depend on the patient. Most patients that have the two-shot coverage already, you know, unless they get approval, a lot of people probably won’t get the third shot until it’s recommended by the CDC,” Seto said.
So far, the delta variant makes up 85% of the Covid cases in the state. That has increased 50% since last month.
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