Video: Bentley Says More Than 1,000 State Employees Could Lose Jobs
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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Gov. Robert Bentley is giving lawmakers what he called an “unvarnished” view of the cuts to state government that will occur without new revenue.
The governor on Tuesday evening sent a memo to each member of the Alabama Legislature. The memo describes the emergency operation plans state agencies produced in response to a draft budget before lawmakers.
The reductions include the layoff of more than 1,000 state employees, including 600 court employees and 132 law enforcement officers.
State troopers will close 13 trooper posts. The prison system would close two facilities. The Department of Mental Health will reduce or end service for 24,000 people with mental illnesses. Fifteen of 22 state parks would close.
Bentley has proposed a $541 million tax increase, but legislators have not acted on the proposal.
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