Batesville soldier accused of murder in Colorado

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (AP) An Army soldier has been arrested in the shooting death of another soldier in Colorado.

Twenty-year-old Pfc. Isaiah Towns of Batesville, Mississippi, was being held on suspicion of second-degree murder in the Saturday death of Spc. Shakir D. Cook-Troynel.

The Colorado Springs Gazette reports Towns was being held in lieu of $100,000 bail. Jail records didn’t indicate whether he had an attorney who could speak on his behalf.

Citing a court document, KRDO-TV reports Towns told police he found his wife and Cook-Troynel together in a bedroom. Towns told officers he and his wife struggled, and Towns’ pistol discharged, striking Cook-Troynel.

The 23-year-old Cook-Troynel was from Homestead, Florida. The Army says he received several commendations including the Army Achievement Medal.

Cook-Troynel and Towns were assigned to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs.

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