ATMOS help dedicate new training center at The Men’s Center

WEST POINT, Miss. (WCBI) – A West Point organization that helps men in recovery gets a powerful boost from a regional utility company.

Representatives from Atmos Energy were in West Point today to help dedicate the Atmos Energy Training Center at The Men’s Center at The Mission.

The Mission is a 12-month, faith-based, residential program that helps those recovering from drugs, alcohol, or other life-controlling issues through classroom work, job skills training, and individual and group counseling.

One of the main features is a new “Smart Board,” which will enable interactive content with classroom participants and Internet-based instruction.

The new Training Center is poised to be an integral part of The Mission’s work.

“This Training Room is the heart of The Mission. This is where the guys come in and do class work. We have numerous different curriculum that we teach here at The Mission, and the Training Room is the heart of The Mission, just where all the hard work is put in. This is where all the dedication comes in. This is where…This is where the rubber meets the road, sir. Right here at the Training Room,” said Mission staff member Kenneth Warren.

“The meeting was to dedicate a room, but when you hear the powerful stories of the people who have been through the program here, it just makes you very proud to be a part of it,” said Robert Lesley, ATMOS Energy Manager of Public Affairs.

A grant from Atmos Energy paid for the renovations to the Meeting Room.

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