Area shoppers buy school supplies during tax-free weekend

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- Things are a little different for Mississippi’s Tax-Free Weekend this year.

For the first time, school supplies are included in the Tax-Free Weekend sale.

Dozens of shoppers filtered into the Columbus Dollar General for Tax-Free Weekend–many of them making their way to the school supply aisle.

“I came here for some binders and some folders for my son because he’s going to the 7th grade,” said shopper Terrence Ewings.

“Today I’m shopping for a couple of school supplies, grab a little sweets, and stuff like that, America is great,” said shopper Terrance Baldwin.

Parents said this weekend is a great opportunity to get a head start on the upcoming school year.

“I think it’s a great idea, I mean, this weekend, it’s great,” said Baldwin.

It’s not just the discount on supplies that has people excited.

“Tax-free for clothes is amazing. With school supplies, it’ll be even better because we can get clothes and school supplies for our kids so they’ll be ready for school,” said Ewings.

“Mainly shoes, the clothes, you know, the biggest part of the school supplies because tax-free– it really helps,” said shopper Jennifer Butler.

They said the sale especially helps parents with multiple children.

“That’s the best time to go for three kids, two teenagers, one pre-teen,” said Butler.

“Everything, you know, for the kids and what they need and stuff like that. I have three myself, you know, and stuff like that. So, I think it’s great for it to be tax-free just this weekend, you know, and that’s great. Great America,’ said Baldwin.

Each parent we talked to agreed on one thing. School Supplies should continue to be included in future tax-free weekends.

“Somebody may be low on cash, a little tax-free off a folder should help a lot,” said Ewings.

“I hope they continue it. Throughout the year, you know, when they run out of school supplies would be a big help too, but hey I’ll take once a year for right now. It’s good,” said Butler.

“Anywhere I can get a great deal, I sure don’t mind,” said Baldwin.

Tax-Free Weekend ends at midnight Saturday, July 27.

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