April’s Angels to repair playground at Itawamba Attendance Center

Eleven years of wear and tear mean repairs are needed for the ADA playground

ITAWAMBA COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – Ashley Greer had just interviewed for the assistant principal’s position at Itawamba Attendance Center, when she took a tour of the campus, and saw April’s Angels playground.

“When we rounded the corner I saw it was something special and I knew this was the place I  needed to be because they had a heart for kids with special needs,” Greer said.

Greer is now principal at the school, and the playground is eleven years old, and showing obvious signs of wear.

‘For the sail shades, they are starting to come apart, also we need mulch all the time, that is quite pricey, we have to keep it safe and accessible for the students,” said Fulton Mayor Emily Quinn, who was part of the original “April’s Angels’  The non profit is named after April South,  a teacher at IAC who passed away suddenly in 2011.

South had a heart for special needs students and the non-profit was formed to keep her legacy alive. The first major project was April’s Angels playground.

At the time it was finished in 2014, it was the first ADA all inclusive playground in Mississippi.

With the help of a GoFundMe campaign, April’s Angels hopes to raise eighteen thousand dollars for the needed repairs.

The playground is especially important to students like Jed.  The third grader is able to access the playground’s boat, by a ramp.

What is your favorite thing to do?

“Go on the boat,” said Jed.

Why is that fun?

“Because you get to swing back and forth,” he said.

Does it go fast?

“Goes very fast,” Jed said.

You don’t get scared?

“No, I’m very brave,” he said.

Special education teacher Madison Orr sees the impact the playground makes every day.

“I would encourage people to donate to Aprils Angels for these kids, to keep giving them fun, escape from the classroom, something to come to outside. to meet all of their needs,” Orr said.

Aprils Angels playground was built with funds from the community eleven years ago and organizers are confident the community will come together once again for this fundraiser. After all, it is for the kids.

For information on the GoFundMe campaign, please go to gofundme.com/Asley’s-Angels.


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