A new day and a new name for local Boy Scouts
NORTH MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – A new day and a new name for local Boy Scouts.
Two area councils have merged into one giant council to strengthen scouting programs in north and central Mississippi.
Now the Scouts need a new name. And, they want area people to share their ideas.
Members of the board want the new name to feel inclusive and promote equality among the scouts.
Owen McCulloch, Scout Executive of the newly merged council says they hope the name will represent the area, heritage, history, and future.
“Submit your names for what you think we should call the scouting programs that serve in the 22 counties of Central and Northeast Mississippi. You can put in as many suggestions as you’d like. Our only rules are it can’t be the name of an existing Council. There are 250 councils in the country. And we can’t use either of the two names that we’ve had in the past so Yocona or Pushmata,” said Owen McCullough, Council Scout Executive/CEO.
You have until Sunday – that’s August 21st to make your name suggestion. Just log onto Yocona dot org slash name with your idea.