Local church holds prayer rally for community
LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Here at home dozens of people came together in hopes of sending a message.
A little music, few words of encouragement and prayer.
This is what congregation members at Northside Missionary Baptist Church said was the perfect recipe for worship.
“I believe worship and prayer is a special place to find peace, to find comfort, to find confidence in the midst of trying times. For our city as a whole, for our nation as a whole, we need prayer. we need worship, we need direction from the Lord on what we need to do,” said Tyson Cunningham.
Cunningham is a worship leader of CrossPoint Baptist Church. He said it was also a way to unify the community.
“I feel like nights like this are great initiators to get our hearts stirred and to just get clarity for Lord from what we need to do in our community. It’s a blessing to see people sense the need for this and to be willing to come out even in the midst of all the COVID-19 and everything that’s going on,” said Cunningham.
Area pastors were invited to give words of encouragement and offer prayer too.
“It’s time for change, it’s time for America to wake up and lets do something,” said Columbus-Lowndes County NAACP President Lavonne Harris.
Harris said with everything happening across the nation, this was the time to reflect and come together.
“We know the pain is there, the pain is still there it’s not going away. Everybody is hurting and coming so close together. We got a pandemic, we got rallies going across the country, Mr. Floyd’s funeral was today,then we also have on a local issue the Ricky Ball case. We want the people to know and the community to know no one is forgotten,” said Harris.
Hopefully, the community could learn to lean on each other.
“We are in the midst of trying times, you need to cast your burdens, cast you cares unto the Lord,”said Cunningham.
“Trust me baby, God answer prayers. You bring it to him,he’ll answer them prayers,” said Harris.
The entire community was invited out to the event where over two dozen showed up.
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