Social media message investigated by Mississippi State University


Msu V KaSTARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – A social media message attributed to a member of a Mississippi State fraternity was investigated by the university.

The post referred to fraternity members, who were posing with guns, shooting at an African American male.

The social platform is called YikYak. It is an anonymous space where people within 5 miles of each other can connect online.

In a statement to WCBI News, MSU Vice President Dr. Regina Hyatt said her office was made aware of the post on Friday. Hyatt said the Office of Civil Rights Compliance investigated.

Hyatt’s statement points out that YikYak is an anonymous posting site where anyone can claim to be anyone.

Dr. Hyatt said her staff will continue to work to educate the MSU community on the harm sites like these create.

According to YikYak’s Privacy Policy, any post may be traced back to the phone number attached to the user’s account. YikYak can also trace the post by time and location.

Their privacy policy states that YikYak may use that information to comply with local laws and law enforcement.

Categories: Local News

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