VIDEO: Storm Displaces More Than 20 Residents

KILMICHAEL, Miss. (WCBI)- Over 20 residents in an area town are without a home this evening.

Kilmichael is just one of the towns that experienced severe damage from yesterdays storm.

Both city and county crews filled the streets today, cleaning debris and picking up entire trees out of homes.

“We all got in the tub and the trailer was just shaking and rocking and we could hear trees falling and power lines, it was scary, it sounded like a freight train,” says resident Janice Wright.

“None of the town has power,” says Mayor Bobby Howell.

And they’re not expected to have any, until Wednesday. Meanwhile, over 20 residents throughout Kilmichael have lost their homes.

“It did condemn my mother and 12 others apartments that were there,” says resident Ariel Miller.

Those affected were asked to come to city hall for assistance. The American Red Cross was there handing out basic essentials and supplies.

“I’ve never seen anything so tragic, but I’m glad that everyone is ok,” says Miller.

Mayor Bobby Howell says clearing the roadways is most important.

“The county and my town crew are working with heavy equipment, to get our first objective which is to clear all the big stuff off the streets,” says Howell.

He says the clean up process is a slow one but little by little they’re clearing debris off major roadways. He says he’s grateful for all the volunteers.

“This is a big logger area anyway and we had loggers, people with equipment chainsaws come in yesterday and I’m getting some calls today of people making plans to come tomorrow and help,” says Howell.

Residents who were displaced are currently staying in area motels.

Categories: Local News

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