VIDEO: Are You In A Flood Zone?
MONROE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI)- Mississippi is made up of many low lying areas that are prone to flooding.
For homeowners, knowing whether their home is in a flood zone is vital. Now, flood zones are changing in two area counties.
Residents in both Monroe and Itawamba County are going to be facing some zoning changes this upcoming year as to whether or not their homes fall in flood zones or not.
Monroe County EMA Director Bunky Goza says the new mapping took 9 years to complete.
FEMA, Monroe County and Amory worked together to create the new maps that were approved by the federal agency.
Meaning, homes once listed in ‘flood zones’ may or may not be included in the new maps.
“It’s a chance for the public to view their property lines, see if their gonna be in a flood zone or not in a flood zone or if they are in a flood zone what methods they can use to improve their property to give them ease on their insurance,” says Goza.
An insurance rate that could go up or down on where your property falls.
“The one thing we want to emphasize is that you never know when a flood will happen, we had flash flooding back in Christmas of last year that was totally unexpected, so we experienced it then but it can happen any time. The purpose of these maps is to see where the flood zones lie and make sure people take precautions and purchase the insurance,” says Goza.
He says precautions like building homes on stilts or having a flood wall are key for residents in low lying areas.
Monroe County residents can come to the Monroe County Administrative Building on February 16th any time between 4 -7 to get specific details non whether or not their homes fall in these flood zones.
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