Three Arrested In Calhoun City Armed Robbery

Dromeo Robinson
Source: Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office

Quindaris Willis
Source: Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office

Immanuel Glaspie
Source: Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office
CALHOUN CITY, Miss. (WCBI) – Three people are arrested in connection with a Christmas Eve armed robbery in Calhoun City.
Dromeo Robinson is charged with armed robbery.
Quindaris Willis and Immanuel Glaspie are charged with accessory before the fact.
Calhoun County Sheriff Greg Pollan says Willis and Glaspie called the victim to an apartment complex to meet them.
Investigators believe while all three of the men were sitting in the victim’s truck, Robinson approached the vehicle and put a gun to the victim’s head.
Robinson is then accused of taking a rifle and leaving the complex.
The rifle has been recovered.
Robinson, Willis, and Glaspie were arrested Tuesday after Calhoun City officers and deputies got a description of the men from the victim.
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