Video: Chickasaw County Cemetery Vandalized

CHICKASAW COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Chickasaw County deputies are searching for the vandals who destroyed tombstones at a cemetery.

Asbury Cemetery, near Van Vleet, was targeted by the crooks.

Investigators believe the vandalism happened sometime between August 16th and August 23rd.

Several tombstones were broke in half, while others were turned over.

Deputies are running down leads but have not made any arrests.

“Anytime that somebody vandalizes something it’s bad, but when someone goes into a cemetery where family members are buried. Like I say, some of these graves date back to the Civil War. So, some of these tombstones can’t be replace and probably can’t be fixed,” said Chickasaw County Sheriff James Meyers.

“Hurt..unreal. I couldn’t believe it. To me, a guilty conscience is something I couldn’t live with, and I hope somebody will come through and say I can’t live with it either,” said Asbury Cemetery Club Vice President Jeannette Stevens.

If you have any information about the vandalism call the Chickasaw County Sheriff’s Office.


Categories: Crime, Local News

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