School districts in Mississippi will not receive a letter grade this year for state test results
The Mississippi Department of Education is making the scores in each district public.
NOXUBEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – School districts in Mississippi will not receive a letter grade this year for state test results.
It’s unclear how or if this will impact schools still under the state’s control, such as the Noxubee County School District.
The Mississippi Department of Education is making the scores in each district public.
Noxubee Schools have been under the state for several years, and administrators know there is still a long road ahead.
“This last year’s test results, while we did not have accountability ratings for school districts across the state, we did look at proficiency across the state. And in Noxubee County, while we had great participation all of our students took our assessment. We applaud them for that, but we have work to do in our English, language, arts, and our science,” said Dr. Washington Cole IV, Noxubee Schools Superintendent.
The most recent results show Noxubee ranked in the bottom ten school districts in Mississippi for overall mathematics.
There were similar scores in Algebra one and biology.