Nationwide firework shortage impacts Mississippi retailers

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – If you’re planning on celebrating this independence day with fireworks, you might have to look a little harder to find them.

“When I see the shortages in here, they need to be coming and getting them, or there won’t be any,” customer, Michael Thorn, said.

Michael Thorn is just one of the millions of Americans hunting for fireworks. He said that having fireworks is a must when celebrating Independence day.

“A good memory is just, you know, grilling out, maybe going playing on a lake, you know, shooting fireworks, the whole thing. Celebrating our country’s independence,” Thorn said.

However, this year, firework retailers are experiencing a shortage of their regular supply of fireworks. Candi Nabors, an employee with Orbit Fireworks, said the shortage has hurt their business this year.

“It has put a little damper on our business. We still have a good variety of stuff to shop and get. But as far as the variety packs, there is a major shortage on it,” Nabors said.

Along with the shortage, prices on some fireworks have gone up compared to years before.

“I grew up fireworks were cheap. And, every Christmas, every Fourth of July, we had plenty of them around,” Thorn said.

While some fireworks are more popular than others, Orbit’s best-sellers are the ones they are having the most trouble getting.

“People love to come in and just grab a variety pack because it’s got a little bit of everything. So, they can just come in and go. That’s one of the top sellers. The stuff is there, we just can’t get it in,” Nabors said.

Now firework retailers tell me that although there is a shortage in their big variety packs, customers can come in and individually select the fireworks to make their own variety packs.

“It’s just a different choice to make as you come in now to where you could come in and grab one container, now you got to come in and grab several things which sometimes adds up a little more. But hey, it’s independence day,” Nabors said.

Retailers are recommending customers to come in early tomorrow to have the most options available to them.

Categories: Local News

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