Video: Louisville School District may have to ask for Tax Increase
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LOUISVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) -The Louisville school district needs money to operate – and that may mean a mil levy increase. The city has taken a significant hit to it’s tax base, a continuing repercussion of the April 28th tornado. New projections from the Winston County Tax Assessor’s Office show the tax base countywide expected to drop by around four and a half million dollars. The tax base is used to fund the school district.
A 2.3 mil increase means additional property taxes for homeowners. there’s also a school mil levy.
Here’s what that means: If your home is valued at 50 thousand dollars, the increase in mil means nearly twelve dollars more in tax. Owners of a two hundred thousand dollar home would see a more than $23 dollar increase. The increase would fund the school district at it’s current level.
Winston County is not anticipating a change in ad valorem taxes. A public hearing for the county budget is set for September 2nd.
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