Video: Educating Teens On Tobacco Use
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TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) — In efforts to prevent youth substance abuse and promote health lifestyles, local youth heard the important facts about tobacco use.
More than 4,000 people die each year as a result of smoking.
And Friday, high school students at the Boy’s and Girl’s club heard facts and statistics about the harmful effects that tobacco causes to one’s health.
Various sessions took place where participants learned the long term effects of smoking.
Organizers say it is important to educate on the issue of tobacco use for a variety of reasons.
“It’s important to educate the children about the dangers of tobacco use because so many time they are exposed to it through peer pressure and they think ‘well I’ll only use it for a little while’, they wind up addicted and then you look at all the costs related to being addicted, as well as the elevated health care costs as well that are associated with tobacco use,” said Tonya Gentry, project organizer.
The sessions were presented by fellow high school aged students.
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