Video: Experts Urge Caution When Riding ATVs
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STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) — In the last two weeks there have been at least three deaths in our area involving all-terrain vehicles.
There are some tips to help keep us safe while riding these vehicles.
All-terrain vehicles, or ATV’s as they are commonly referred to, have many uses. Some use them for work; others just for fun.
“Well these are used a lot on the farm, specially by fish farmers, cattle ranchers. They use these quite a bit. And then they are used just around the house,” ATV Safety Expert Carl Ivey said.
An ATV accident is responsible for the severed spine of 6-time gold medalist and swimmer Amy Van Dyken. These vehicles are size specific, and age is a factor to consider before mounting on these recreational vehicles that can potentially be dangerous.
“That means no kids on adult size vehicles,” Ivey said. “All the large vehicles are for 16 years of age and above. Not nine and ten, and eleven and twelve. Yes they can sit on them, yes they can give them gas. But no they can’t really control them.”
There is one valuable piece of equipment that should be used while riding these vehicles, and that’s a helmet.
“If for some reason you hit an ant hill or you fall off in a hole or a ditch or whatever, the first thing to hit the ground is normally your head. And a baseball cap doesn’t cut it,” Ivey said.
Just a few points to ponder before using ATV’s for whatever reason. Experts say each of these vehicles is designed for only one rider at a time.
“They are not to be carrying two and three people on them,” Ivey said.
“We all have kids and stuff that ride 4-wheelers and play and we try to keep them in glass houses. But this stuff is machines. You know, and it always pays to be on guard to make sure our equipment and stuff is working properly. And to always monitor when we are out there,” Clay County Sheriff Eddie Scott said.
Be sure to always wear safety goggles while riding all-terrain vehicles. ATV deaths in Mississippi is 3.5 times higher than the national average.
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