Video: R. H. Brown Takes Viewers on a Trip Into the Garden
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CLAY COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) — In rural Clay County a green thumb gardener is growing vegetables in a non-traditional way using containers. What was once used to feed cattle, has become a tool to enrich veggies that are being served at her table the whole Summer long. R. H. Brown kicks off another gardening series, as his brown thumb again turns green.
That which is used in the process to fatten up cows on this farm in Cedar Bluff, is now being transformed into what you probably would never consider using to grow your garden. In this case, two containers are cattle bunk feeders.
“They weren’t being used down in the bottom and we saw them and we pulled them up here and said, these will make great container gardens,” said Beth Vail of Cattle Bunk Feeder Gardener.
On February 16th, Beth Vail planted her crop and is now harvesting Swiss Chard, kale, spinach, peas, radishes, lettuce, herbs, and more. These beautiful green plants having survived not one but two cold snaps, seem to be unhurt by frigid temperatures.
“So I covered the plants with blankets and buckets,” said Vail. “I put my garden to bed, with a blanket. Ha, ha, ha.”
Looking at the apparent success of this unusual method after having put in dirt, manure, garden soil in bags, is keeping this little gardener out of the supermarkets when it comes to eating salads and other veggies.
Vail continued, “Well you could, but it cost a lot more. You pay a lot for these lettuce. For these types of greens. And, so I just wanted to grow my own. Its healthier. I know whats in the soil. I’m in the soil and I put egg shells in the soil too. And that helps give it calcium.”
Cattle bunk feeders, what a way to grow a garden. Beth has incorporated some of her veggies into a smoothie. Isn’t that interesting.
For those vegetable gardeners who waited until after Easter to start, we visit Farmer Brown’s Green Garden on Tuesday, as R. H. Brown’s thumb begins turning green once again.
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