Freshly’s Market set to open in Smithville

The market will be the first grocery store in Smithville since an EF-5 tornado swept through the town in 2011.

SMITHVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – In rural parts of the US, affordable, healthy food can be hard to come by.

People who live in rural areas have to drive, on average, more than three times further for groceries than the rest of the country.

These places where food is scarce are called food deserts.

Ever since an EF-5 tornado hit Smithville in 2011, it has been considered a food desert.

But before this year is over, that will change with the construction of a Freshly’s Market.

After breaking ground, the store is set to be complete within five months.

Katina Holliday, the founder and CEO of Freshly’s Market, said after researching Smithville, some chains would look elsewhere.

“You probably wouldn’t open up a market in a city that has 600 people, it’s not what you do,” Holliday said. “Especially our size market.”

But growing up in Aberdeen, Holliday understands how important a grocery store is to the small town.

“We felt it was right and we felt like this is what they need,” Holliday said.

Mayor of Smithville, Phil Goodwin said this new development is important for the town.

“It’s really important,” Goodwin said. “I mean, we haven’t had that since the tornado really.”

Holliday said access to fresh food is a major factor for health outcomes in Mississippi.

“Fresh food is needed,” Holliday said. “In Mississippi, we’re number one in health problems. And why? Because we don’t have access to those things. And if we get access to it we can improve our health and our well-being and we’ll be able to live great fulfilling lives.”

Aside from improving the daily lives of residents, the store will also stimulate the local economy by bringing shoppers from nearby towns said Goodwin.

“It’s going to pull people in,” Goodwin said. “I mean, you know, this grocery store is going to be a big, big help.”

Holliday reiterated that the store will stimulate Smithville’s economy.

“It brings jobs and opportunities that people of course don’t have a grocery store here for years that now, you know, we bring in a different niche to the town,” Holliday said.

Goodwin said people have been waiting for this moment since 2011.

“People call here every day wanting to know when the grocery store is going to get here,” Goodwin said. “This is great. I mean, this is something we’ve been working on since 2011.”

After the Piggly Wiggly in Amory was destroyed by an EF-3 tornado in 2023, a new place to get fresh meat will be a welcome addition to the region.

The multi-million dollar project is funded by private real estate investment and USDA food desert loans.

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