Heritage Academy Preparing for Highly Anticipated Postseason Run

The Patriots are seeking their first state title victory since 2019

COLUMBUS, MS- When talking to the players at Heritage Academy, they all emphasized two things that their team was built on: Chemistry and toughness.

Whether it’s going out to eat as a team, hanging out after a game, or meeting up with each other during the school day, it became clear that head coach Andrew Howell’s bunch isn’t your average high school basketball team.

“It’s a lot of fun to not only coach some talented guys, but guys that love to play together and love each other,” Howell said.

That same love for each other was reciprocated in the willingness to make the extra play; Taking a charge, diving for a loose ball, giving up your body for the betterment of the group. For Heritage Academy, it’s the little, unselfish acts from the players that create a team bigger than just one player.

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