Gorgeous weather on the way!

COLUMBUS, Mississippi (WCBI) – Fantastic fall weather will ensue tomorrow after a cold front pushes through the area Sunday night. High temperatures look below to well below average for the majority of the week, and we will have some chilly mornings ahead.

TONIGHT: A strong cold front will push through, keeping us clear and dry overnight and into the morning. The effects of the front won’t be felt quite yet, but it will still be comfortable for us with temps falling into the mid to upper 50s. Winds will shift from SW to N at 5-10 MPH.

TOMORROW: A picture perfect fall day is on deck to start the week! High temperatures will peak in the mid 70s with full sunshine across northeast Mississippi. It will be a great day to get outside and enjoy the weather. There will be a nice breeze from the north to accompany the cooler weather.


LOOKING AHEAD: By mid week a very strong high pressure will build into our area, allowing for this great weather to continue. That high pressure will keep very dry air above us, keeping clouds from forming and allowing the sun to reign. The high will be so strong we will likely keep that wind all week, which by Tue/Wed could become gusty to 20 MPH at times from the north. As you wake up Wed/Thur we could see some places in the upper 30s! Quite a chilly contrast to the last few nights. High temperatures will dip even further into the middle 60s by mid week. Enjoy it!


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