Infrastructure projects expand in the city of Bruce

Mayor Jimmy Hubbard says they received a $930,000 grant to repair the old sewer lines about three years ago.

BRUCE, Miss. (WCBI) – Big improvements are coming to the small town of Bruce.

Four miles of streets and roads have already been repaved and they plan to pave more in the next week and in the spring.

Mayor Jimmy Hubbard said they received a $930,000 grant to repair the old sewer lines about three years ago.

And with the problems identified, they’re going to work. Even if you may not see it all.

“They have come out and identified our leaks in our lines,” said Hubbard. “Now, they are going through with the plastic pipe, and minimal digging has to go on. They’re basically running a sleeve through our line and repairing it like that.”

Hubbard said when it rains, the water runs into the sewer lines, putting a strain on the lagoon system, which in turn can back up in homes.

“It’s really helping each homeowner in Bruce by alleviating that problem,” Hubbard said. “A lot of people were having trouble with water getting in and backing up their line. It was a great need for our town.”

The sewer system repair should be complete around March or April.

But not all of the work is underground. The town is in the final steps of applying for a Community Development Block Grant for a $600,000 project to make the area more handicapped accessible.

Jennifer Nelson at Reconnect Therapy and Wellness said the grant will help them make the building more accessible for patients.

“A lot of our patients, whether they’re patients or wellness members, are not very mobile,” Nelson said. “Their mobility is impacted in some way or another, which is why they’re coming here, to improve that, and stepping over this curb here is very unsafe. We’ve had several falls with gym members, you know, community members and patients trying to get over the curb.”

They are hoping to have that Community Development Block Grant in line by March 2025.

Other improvements are also coming to Bruce, including a $100,000 grant to improve City Hall.

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