Aluminum Dynamics provides jobs for the community


LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Gregg Whigham, the operations manager for Aluminum Dynamics, spoke at Starkville Rotary Monday on September 23.

He explained how the $2.5 billion project is more than halfway complete.

Aluminum Dynamics is half-way to hiring a full staff and completing construction on their 2.3 million square foot aluminum rolling mill facility.

The construction process has already added hundreds of jobs to the area.

“We have currently over 1,400 contractors working on site everyday alongside of our almost 400 aluminum dynamics employees,” said Whigham.

By this time next year, the facility should be shipping out metal.

Whigham said once the facility is complete and fully staffed, the impact will be felt all around.

“So, I think not only are we going to have a great impact on our employees and their families, but that there will be a synergistic impact on the community as well,” said Whigham.

While they have already hired half of their staff, Whigham said there are still plenty of job opportunities available.

“We have a whole range of employment opportunities for people with a high school education all the way up to some of the more complicated technical roles,” said Whigham.

By the summer of 2025, Aluminum Dynamics will have up to 750 employees at their facility.

Whigham said outside of those working at the mill, once its complete, it will open other support positions.

“There will be quite a few ancillary jobs created throughout the community to support, so all total, it’ll be a thousand jobs is what we believe will eventually happen here,” said Whigham.

The project is expected to be complete by the summer of 2025.

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