HSFT Stop #37: Columbus Christian Academy

STEENS, Miss. (WCBI) — Columbus Christian Academy made the jump to 11-man football last year but the Rams decided this year to move back down to 8-man. From the outside looking in it seems like a big adjustment but to head coach Chris Craven it’s still just football.

“Not to sound smart but we’re just missing three people,” Craven said. “We are still going to run the same thing. If we are going to run power, we’re going to run power. It’s still the same football just three people less.”

The transition comes with one major downside, the Rams are ineligible for the postseason this year because they made the switch in the middle of the athletic year. In the midst of that disappointment Craven kept his team focused.

“At first everybody was a little down but he kept the spirits up,” junior center Logan Watkins said. “Just come to practice, let’s get it done, let’s get to work. We came out here and started working and I think spirits are at an all time high.”

It would have been easy for the team to sulk when they found out they wouldn’t be able to compete in the playoffs but instead they have continued approach practice the same as every other year.

“As far as the attitude of the guys, I haven’t seen a difference,” Craven said. “From my heart that has made me so proud because it would be easy to throw your hands in the air but that has not been the case this year. They’ve been working hard and you can’t tell a difference by the way they’ve been carrying themselves and their attitude.”

Matthew Benge is the Ram’s new quarterback. He transferred to CCA from New Hope and is ready to step in as a leader and make an imediate impact.

“I feel like they are pretty excited to have me out here and help them as a team,” Benge said. “I got another year after this so I think we are pretty happy about it.”

Even though Benge is the new guy on the block, the rest of the team immediately gravitated to him as a player and a leader.

“He is the captain of the offense,” Watkins said. “He’s a good player but it’s not even that it’s him as a person that makes it easier to listen to him.”

It will be a season unlike any other for CCA but the excitement to finally get underneath the Friday night lights is still the same.

“Since the end of last season I was like ‘man I wish I could go again,'” Watkins said. “So I’m really excited to get out there and go again.”

Columbus Christian opens the season on the road at Benton Academy.

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