County Leaders Considering Implementing Ordinance After Vicious Dog Attack
MONTGOMERY, Miss. (WCBI)- The vicious dog attack that happened to 12-year-old Aden Green along Sawyer Loop this past Friday, continues to linger on the minds of many in Montgomery County.
“Young child on spring break trying to enjoy himself and for this to happen and for the parents to have to go through this, I was just devastated by it,” said Willie Townsend Jr., District 3 Supervisor.
The devastation struck the community so much so that just days after the attack, The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors met to discuss the idea of drafting up a dog ordinance for the county.
At this time board members said they’re still brainstorming what rules they want to enforce and how they want to enforce them.
“Monday we met we just discussed it,” said Townsend. “We got with our clerk of the board and we advised him to get prior ordinances from other counties that we can look at and try to go by them and see what their approach is and how they’re doing things in the county with dogs that are running wild or loose like that.”
Townsend said since he’s been on the board, this is the first time he’s heard of a dog attacking someone.
The district 3 supervisor said dogs being loose or not on a leash hasn’t been an issues, which is one of the reasons why the county never had an ordinance.
“The county is broad,” Townsend expressed. “It’s hard to speculate how many loose dogs are out there without the citizens getting involved saying they see one running around or advise us or advise our sheriff’s department to come look at it. Like I said, this incident that happened was a first for us.”
However, in light of this tragic incident, board members expressed that it’s now time for a change.
“With this situation, we don’t want it to happen to anybody else, Townsend explained. “It’s time to be proactive instead of waiting to be reactive.”
The board will meet again on March 29th where they will continue to discuss implementing an ordinance.
Supervisors said they’re confident an ordinance will get passed in the near future.
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