Mississippi Fugitives Declared Top 15 Most Wanted
OXFORD, Miss. (WCBI)-United States Marshals have declared Janet and Ramon Barretto one of the top 15 most wanted fugitives in the nation. The couple is wanted for man slaughter, child neglect and human trafficking. The Top 15 Most Wanted Program prioritizes criminal cases and brings the nations most dangerous fugitives to light. The Barettos have ties to New Albany and were last seen in Bakersfield, California.
“This is an opportunity for the United States Marshal Service to put an individual in a situation where we can utilize resources, as well as hopefully through expose that you all allow us to have, bring these people to justice,” said U.S. Marshal Dennis J. Erby.
222 criminals have been captured through the Top 15 program since it was started in 1983.
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