MSU students meet potential employers at annual Career Day
STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Every year, Mississippi State University invites employers to meet students.
Finding that start to a career can be stressful.
Students at MSU piled in this year with minds set on impressing employers and defeating the competition.
Career Day is actually where most of these students begin the jump-start to their career.
While some students might react negatively about the waiting process, two students are optimistic about waiting for their breakthrough to a new beginning.
“I’ll be ecstatic, I’ve been looking for a job ever since like sophomore year, trying to find internship and co-opps and now I’m a senior, I know my parents will be happy,” said senior Brandon Harmon.
“It’ll be a great feeling just even getting something today or in a week, um just knowing that I can go in right away and get started and get into my career,” said sophomore Elijah Ware
When coming to these events year after year, faces begin to become more recognizable. So Brandon and Elijah are bound to make sure they stand out in the crowd.
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