People gather in Winona to hear from MEMA, FEMA, American Red Cross
WINONA, Miss. (WCBI) – Cleanup continues in Winona after the town was struck by a tornado in March.
The tornado that hit parts of Montgomery County caused many homes and businesses to suffer damage. The American Red Cross, MEMA, and FEMA volunteers are now helping residents through a disaster recovery process. And the first step of the process is to give information.
With only standing room available at Zion District Association Building, some people in Montgomery County were able to get some direct answers from emergency agencies.
The spokesperson for Congressman Thompson, Fannie Ware, said that all information is not correct information; it is best to get it from the source, and one Winona resident said the information provided Thursday night was reassuring.
“He wants them to get the facts and not the rumors or he says she says but from the people who actually run these programs. He wants to make sure that people are getting the care and comfort that they need from the state resources and local American Red Cross,” said Ware.
“You can hear what they say, take it, and use it where you need it. I heard what he said about what I needed to do. I listened to some of the things he talked about I already did,” said Verna Fleming Baker of Winona.
If citizens missed the chance to come to Thursday night’s town hall meeting, MEMA and FEMA have set up an information center with representatives at the Montgomery County Coliseum located on Recreation Drive.
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