Congressman Palazzo introduces bill to allow Americans to purchase border wall bonds

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WLOX) – Congressman Steven Palazzo introduced the Border Bonds for America Act of 2018, The bond allows American citizens the opportunity to purchase revenue bonds to help finance the construction of a physical barrier on the border between the United States and Mexico.

“This bill is a safe investment into the infrastructure and security of our country. During World War II, 85 million Americans purchased $185 billion in war bonds and financially supported our troops while they were defending our country,” Palazzo said. “This legislation would allow for the patriots of today’s era to help support American security in the same way as previous generations.”

The border wall has been frequently talked about by President Trump. The bond directs the Secretary of the Treasury to issue government savings bonds for the wall, as well as related technology and improved infrastructure.

“The American people are fed up with the political games fueled by the Democrats’ inaction to secure our borders and protect our citizens. In November of 2016, Americans voted for better border security and as Vice-Chairman of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I believe this legislation allows new alternatives for our citizens to support their values and defend our homeland,” the Congressman said.

The legislation also establishes the “Border Bonds Trust Fund” in the Treasury of the U.S.

Palazzo has been the U.S. Representative for Mississippi’s 4th congressional district since 2011

Categories: National, US & World News

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