The business of bees: Getting honey from the hive to the plate
LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Nature and our food source depend on the business of bees.
And a local beekeeper and restaurant are predicting that the bee colonies this season will produce lots of honey for the area.
Bees have an interesting life; they work as a colony to pollinate crops, populate more bees, and create honey.
And an area beekeeper and baker are also working together to get that honey from the hive to the plate.
The Dowdle Family farms in Caledonia raise livestock but they are known for their honey; as a beekeeper, Rob Dowdle said that the benefits of bees go beyond the honey.
“A lot of people like local honey because of the benefits that it helps for allergies it is what people say a lot of people would purchase pollen that you can harvest from honey bees as well,” Dowdle said.
Because bees are so essential to our food supply and nature, Dowdle offers tips to non-bee keepers to help promote healthy bee populations in the area.
“Plant trees in your yard that are beneficial for not just honey bees but other pollinators and beneficial insects, things that produce nectar and pollen during the times of the year when there is not much blooming,” Dowdle said.
Honey contributes to our candle industry. It also sweetens the menus at restaurants like J. Broussard’s here in Columbus.
“One of the ways we use it is in our bagels; you know there are a lot of baked goods that use honey as part of the sweetener in there, and it helps to round out the flavor, and we also use it in our hallah,” Chef Beth Rogers said.
Yet Dowdle said if there are any lessons to learn from our honey bees it’s hard work and teamwork.
“It’s fascinating how on an individual level, the honey bees are important, but what’s really important is how they contribute to the whole colony and not just their individual needs and goals,” Dowdle said.
To learn more about local honey, click here.
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