Governor Reeves reverses course on Medicaid postpartum coverage
MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – Governor Tate Reeves reversed course on Medicaid postpartum coverage for Mississippi mothers.
In a tweet Sunday, Reeves said lawmakers should pass a law continuing coverage to 12 months after birth and he will sign the legislation.
Currently, Medicaid coverage only extends to 60 days for mothers.
Reeves had been unwilling to offer support to the measure until he saw data that showed how it helped new mothers.
Speaker of the House, Philip Gunn, has said he does not support the coverage extension. The State Senate has already passed a bill that would extend Medicaid postpartum coverage.
The Governor wrote that after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that basically banned most abortions in the state that decisions that make some “philosophically uncomfortable” have to be made.
Some also argue no legislation is needed and Reeves could sign an order extending coverage because he is head of the state’s Division of Medicaid.
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