Board of Supervisors approves Tom Velek as interim recreation director
LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Tom Velek has been named interim recreation director for Lowndes County.
The Lowndes County Board of Supervisors voted today to approve the position through the end of the fiscal year.
Velek, who is active in youth soccer, will receive $3,000 a month for the transition work.
Lowndes County Board President Trip Hairston said the interim plan allows the board the opportunity to make long-term plans.
“That gives us plenty of time to develop a plan which the board is very clear about what they wanted, to develop a plan moving forward for Lowndes County to develop a job description for that full-time person when the sportsplex opens,” said Hairston.
Velek will be filling the job left vacant when Director Roger Short passed away in October of this year.
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