Columbus city leaders reflect on the events of September 11th
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – The devastation of September 11th, 2001 still impacts many worldwide.
Hijacked aircraft crashed into the twin towers in New York City leaving hundreds dead and many others injured.
The tragic event brought many entities and people together like never before.
Local city leaders and emergency management officials know that disasters like that can happen anywhere at any time.
And are thankful they have people that are proud to protect and serve their area.
“What happened on 911 could happen again sometime it was an event that brought our country together and it’s just important that we remember that and recognize our local first responders,” said Mayor Keith Gaskin, City of Columbus.
“When We think about 911 the towers went down with the emergency responders and we think about that here locally in Lowndes county we have our fire department that’s responding to fires and law enforcement responding to events that are safety events and we’re saying to them thank you so much,” said Cindy Lawrence, Lowndes County EMA.
Members had a luncheon this afternoon to show their appreciation to first responders and their efforts in keeping Columbus and Lowndes County safe